10 Tips To Lose Weight without Diet in 2 Weeks

10 Tips To Lose Weight without Diet in 2 Weeks

If you have read a lot on weight loss and spent the bulk of your time watching uncountable videos in search of an awesome strategy to lose weight and consequently gain more, this article will finish your search and will certainly initiate your actual journey to lose weight. and you will drastically lose weight without diet in 2 weeks. 

The following 10 tips will definitely help your task of shedding pounds fast.

  • Drink plenty of water especially before a meal
  • Chew food properly
  • Always choose whole /real food
  • Cut back on surgery drinks
  • Control portion or count the calories
  • Choose spicy food
  • Drink green tea
  • Prefer black coffee
  • Stay active
  • Improve your sleep


1. Drink plenty of water especially before a meal

Scientific research proved that drinking water is directly associated with fat burning.  If your goal is to lose weight in 2weeks you have to drink plenty of water so that your water weight may lose fast.

Drinking water boosts your metabolism, gives you a sensation of being full thus reducing your urge to eat more when you drink

2. Chew food properly

Always remember that eating too fast is closely associated with significant weight gain. Eating slowly and chewing well causes an increase in your fullness hormones and you feel full and satiated with the lesser amount of food.

3. Always choose whole /real food

Whole food as being unprocessed and free from added sugar, preservatives, sodium, and fats prevents the intake of excessive calories. With a little effort to stay motivated, you can achieve your target to be slim and fit by choosing real food enriched with fibers.

4. Cut back on surgery drinks

According to scientific researchConsumption of liquid calories from beverages has increased in parallel with the obesity epidemic in the US population,” Dr. Benjamin Caballero of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and colleagues point out in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

With cutting back on surgery drinks you can lose your weight fast and can easily get amazing results in 2 weeks.

5. Control portion or count the calories

By counting the calories from each meal you are going to take you can control your overeating habit. If you avoid eating full plater or use a smaller plater for your meal it will reduce the excessive calorie intake.

6. Choose spicy food

Prefer spicy food it helps you feel full with a smaller quantity of food.

7. Drink green tea

If you want to shed your extra pounds fast the miraculous drink is green tea which not only boosts the metabolism of your body but also improves your personality by giving you a slim look.

8. Prefer black coffee

If you are a coffee-lover you should prefer black coffee to accelerate your weight loss. Chlorogenic acid, in black coffee, helps you in your speedy weight loss and slows down glucose production, and decreases the production of fat cells. in the body.

9. Stay active

Staying active shapes not only your body but also your life. Make your daily routine with a minimum time of sitting. Aerobic exercise, yoga, or a walk of 40 minutes will be an awesome gift you can give to yourself.

10. Improve your sleep

Your weight loss journey will surely be successful if you take proper sleep of recommended hours. a lesser amount of sleep causes obesity according to scientific research,   so you should improve the quality of your sleep.

The thing you should understand before following any diet plan for losing weight or starting a workout to be slim and fit is, to lose weight is not just about changing your physical appearance but it is closely associated with your mind and soul. With a stronger and dedicated mind, you can get the fabulous result in your weight journey and finally get the bliss and satisfaction of being a gorgeous woman with a slim and fit body.

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