How To Lose Weight Fast: 15 ways that really work

Do you think about how to lose weight fast but naturally and safely?

It is possible by adopting simple strategies to lose weight fast in 2 weeks without diet, but keep in mind that there is no magic like, to lose weight in 7 days, or to lose weight fast in 2 weeks 10 kg. According to experts the faster you lose weight, the easier you regain it. For a healthy weight loss and To lose weight fast and permanently a changed lifestyle is needed. 
By following these simple tips, you can lose weight fast without diet, naturally, safely, and permanently. Some short-term changes in behavior will bring long-term weight loss results.
  1. Burn more calories than you eat.
  2. Plan your meal wisely.
  3. Take the food with fiber
  4. Never skip your breakfast.
  5. Use a smaller plate.
  6. Stay active.
  7. Take the right amount of proteins.
  8. Don't eat in a hurry.
  9. Drink plenty of water.
  10. Don't use the kitchen at night.
  11. Manage your stress level.
  12. Drink green tea/coffee.
  13. Take adequate sleep daily.
  14. Go for mindful eating.
  15. Trim your screen time. 

1. Burn more calories than you eat

To lose weight fast in 2 weeks and permanently decide to burn your calories more than you eat. Enhance the calorie consumption than intake, it will help you lose weight without diet, and this habit, and if it persists, can be a big obstacle for your shed pounds to come back. Design your day in a way that you can keep yourself physically operating so that more amount of calories can be burnt out than you have assimilated in.

2. Plan your meal wisely

Try to plan every meal wisely. The ideal meal with a healthy proportion of each nutrient in an amount that is not only needed for you but suits your lifestyle. If you want to lose weight naturally and fast your planning for your meal will be an effective strategy to avoid unwanted calorie intake. After each meal, there should be a wise plan in your mind for the next one, whatever your daily routine might be, a pre-planning will keep you safe from devastating your previous progress.

3Take the food with fiber



If you know the food with high fiber like vegetables, whole grain and fruits keep you hydrated, energetic and active and you keep them as your first choice, surely your track is right and towards the weight loss and better health. If you want to lose weight at home veggies can be a great choice to lose weight fast in 2 weeks without exercise.

4Never skip your breakfast.


Skipping breakfast can be a strong reason for the whole day's craving and instead of losing weight, you will tend to go for overeating. To lose belly fat, to lose weight in 7 days, or lose weight with exercise, whatever your goal may be, take a healthy breakfast, full of nutrients in a proper proportion. The heartiest breakfast will keep you satisfied for the rest of the day and you can easily stave off your cravings.  

5. Stay active.


Go for a physically active lifestyle, the less you will sit and take rest the more will be your calories consumed ultimately resulting in a visible weight loss.


How To Lose Weight Fast: 15 ways that really work.
How To Lose Weight Fast: 15 ways that really work.

If your work does not allow you to walk and burn the fats, specify an evening hour for your body, in which you can give a gift of a walk or an aerobic activity to your body.



6. Use a smaller plate.


By using smaller plates or bowls you can easily reduce your amount of food and satisfy your hunger without feeling deprived. The use of smaller but pretty dishware can help you trim your food portion.
7. Take the right amount of proteins                                         

Don't deprive yourself of essential proteins. If you want to lose weight fast without diet you should take proteins in proper quantity. The use of proteins makes you feel satisfied and full, declines your obsessive thoughts about the food not suitable for weight loss.

8.   Don't eat in a hurry



Eating slowly and chewing more will make you feel full with a lesser amount of food. To lose weight quickly and permanently this behavior change really works. Reach for the food that needs to be chewed more.

9.  Drink plenty of water


Drinking plenty of water and eating food containing a high amount of water, e.g, pineapple, watermelon, celery, tomatoes artichokes, grapes cranberries, and asparagus, makes you stay hydrated and feel full for a long time.

10. Don't use the kitchen at night




A closed kitchen door will certainly prevent you from the mistake of midnight snacks and besides this, if you will brush your teeth after your dinner, you will less likely go for mindless eating at midnight.

11. .Manage your stress level.



The increased level of stress causes an uncontrolled craving for comfort food due to a rise in the level of cortisol (stress hormone), and the time of stress becomes a reason for your junk food appetite. To lose weight naturally manage your stress level.

12. Lose weight with green tea and coffee



Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants, increases your fat burn, boosts metabolism, and helps to lose weight fast in 2 weeks naturally. According to research, there is a small but positive effect of green tea o weight loss Catechins or an epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)–caffeine mixture has a small positive effect on WL and WM. The results suggest that habitual caffeine intake and ethnicity may be moderators, as they may influence the effect of catechins.

13. Take adequate sleep daily


Not sleeping for a long time slows down your metabolism therefore if you want to lose weight you should take adequate sleep. Go to bed earlier and take a good night's sleep.

14. Go for mindful eating


Resist the urge of untimely snacks, avoid mindless eating can help you lose weight at home and without exercise. Make sure that when it comes to eating it must be a mindful act.

 15. Trim your screen time. 


Screen time could be one of the culprits. The less you will spend time with a screen the more will time be available for your physical activity. Manage your screen time to lose weight fast.

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